--- About Me
Arun Basil Paul
Hello, I'm a graduate with a Master's in Mechatronics specialising in Embedded Systems. I create projects that help people and improve efficiency in Embedded systems through Hardware acceleration, custom OS development, IP creation, etc. Feel free to check out my projects and reach out.

City: Siegen -> Munich LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/arun-basil-paul
Degree: Masters in Mechatronics University: Universität Siegen
Specialisation: Embedded Systems Email: arunbasilpaul@gmail.com
Job: Searching GitHub: www.github.com/arunbasilpaul
--- About Me
Arun Basil Paul
Hello, I'm a graduate with a Master's in Mechatronics specialising in Embedded Systems. I create projects that help people and improve efficiency in Embedded systems through Hardware acceleration, custom OS development, IP creation, etc. Feel free to check out my projects and reach out.

Siegen -> Munich
Masters in Mechatronics
Universität Siegen
Embedded Systems
--- What I know
Universität Siegen, Siegen
Degree: Masters in Mechatronics
Topics of interest: FPGA | Embedded Systems | VHDL | Verilog | Verification | Power Optimisation | Custom IP creation | Hardware based OS | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration
Degree: Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
Topics of interest: Mechatronics | PLC Programming | Hardware practical | Thermodynamics | Machine Drawing | CAD Tools | Soldering | C++ Programming | Machine dynamics
--- What I know
Universität Siegen, Siegen
Degree: Masters in Mechatronics
Topics of interest: FPGA | Embedded Systems | VHDL | Verilog | Verification | Power Optimisation | Custom IP creation | Hardware based OS | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration
Degree: Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
Topics of interest: Mechatronics | PLC Programming | Hardware practical | Thermodynamics | Machine Drawing | CAD Tools | Soldering | C++ Programming | Machine dynamics
--- How I did
Vivado | Vitis | HLS | TCL | PetaLinux | Linux(Ubuntu) | MATLAB | Simulink | Git | Oscilloscope
C | C++ | VHDL | Verilog | Embedded C | basics of Python and SystemVerilog
AXI | UART | I2C | SPI | Ethernet | CAN | LIN
RTL-Programming | Memory Optimisation | Custom IPs | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration | DO-254
TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ | Pynq Z1 | Pynq Z2 | Zedboard | ZCU102 | Zybo board
--- How I did
Vivado | Vitis | HLS | TCL | PetaLinux | Linux(Ubuntu) | MATLAB | Simulink | Git | Oscilloscope
TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ | Pynq Z1 | Pynq Z2 | Zedboard | ZCU102 | Zybo board
C | C++ | VHDL | Verilog | Embedded C | basics of Python and SystemVerilog
AXI | UART | I2C | SPI | Ethernet | CAN | LIN
RTL-Programming | Memory Optimisation | Custom IPs | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration | DO-254
--- What I did
Optimising Deep Learning model performance through the integration of a Time-Triggered Memory cache with Versatile Tensor Accelerator
Neural Network implementation on TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ using Vitis HLS
Development of custom Linux OS for TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ Board with TVM/VTA Interface
DRAM pattern analysis for VTA Load module schedule simplification
Alarm clock with LED display configuration
Traffic Light with Emergency provision during special circumstances
--- What I did
Optimising Deep Learning model performance through the integration of a Time-Triggered Memory cache with Versatile Tensor Accelerator
Neural Network implementation on TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ using Vitis HLS
Development of custom Linux OS for TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ Board with TVM/VTA Interface
DRAM pattern analysis for VTA Load module schedule simplification
Alarm clock with LED display configuration
Traffic Light with Emergency provision during special circumstances
--- Get in Touch

“Thank you for visiting .... My Resume has been uploaded. Feel free to check out my GitHub page for new projects and write to me through my E-mail or LinkedIn. Moreover, if you are interested in photography try my Instagram page”
--- Get in Touch

“Thank you for visiting .... My Resume has been uploaded. Feel free to check out my GitHub page for new projects and write to me through my E-mail or LinkedIn. Moreover, if you are interested in photography try my Instagram page”