--- RTL Projects with a twist


Custom boards | Vivado | Vitis | ModelSim | VHDL | RTL Coding

  • Time Counting: The clock counts up to 60 seconds, 60 minutes, and 24 hours, displaying the time using 7-segment displays.

  • Alarm Functionality: The alarm can be set to trigger at a specific time. When the time matches the preset alarm value, an alarm signal is activated.

  • 7-Segment Display: The current time and alarm values are displayed on 7-segment displays, broken down into ones and tens for each unit (seconds, minutes, hours).

  • Reset Functionality: An asynchronous reset input allows the clock and alarm to be reset to their initial state.

white and gray round frame
white and gray round frame
--- RTL Projects with a twist


Custom boards | Vivado | Vitis | ModelSim | VHDL | RTL Coding

  • Time Counting: The clock counts up to 60 seconds, 60 minutes, and 24 hours, displaying the time using 7-segment displays.

  • Alarm Functionality: The alarm can be set to trigger at a specific time. When the time matches the preset alarm value, an alarm signal is activated.

  • 7-Segment Display: The current time and alarm values are displayed on 7-segment displays, broken down into ones and tens for each unit (seconds, minutes, hours).

  • Reset Functionality: An asynchronous reset input allows the clock and alarm to be reset to their initial state.

white and gray round frame
white and gray round frame
--- RTL Projects with a twist


Custom boards | Vivado | Vitis | ModelSim | VHDL | RTL Coding

  • This project implements a simple Traffic Light Controller state machine in VHDL with support for pedestrian crossings and emergency mode.

  • The controller manages the traffic light's states (RED, GREEN, YELLOW, and PENDING) based on the clock signal and external inputs such as pedestrian and emergency signals.

  • The main objective of this project was to create an emergency signal mode that I believe is a simple but essential fix during emergencies such as an ambulance passing through that would halt normal operations to enable emergency situations

water droplets on glass window
water droplets on glass window
--- RTL Projects with a twist


Custom boards | Vivado | Vitis | ModelSim | VHDL | RTL Coding

  • This project implements a simple Traffic Light Controller state machine in VHDL with support for pedestrian crossings and emergency mode.

  • The controller manages the traffic light's states (RED, GREEN, YELLOW, and PENDING) based on the clock signal and external inputs such as pedestrian and emergency signals.

  • The main objective of this project was to create an emergency signal mode that I believe is a simple but essential fix during emergencies such as an ambulance passing through that would halt normal operations to enable emergency situations

water droplets on glass window
water droplets on glass window