--- How I did
Vivado | Vitis | HLS | TCL | PetaLinux | Linux(Ubuntu) | MATLAB | Simulink | Git | Oscilloscope
C | C++ | VHDL | Verilog | Embedded C | basics of Python and SystemVerilog
AXI | UART | I2C | SPI | Ethernet | CAN | LIN
RTL-Programming | Memory Optimisation | Custom IPs | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration | DO-254
TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ | Pynq Z1 | Pynq Z2 | Zedboard | ZCU102 | Zybo board
--- How I did
Vivado | Vitis | HLS | TCL | PetaLinux | Linux(Ubuntu) | MATLAB | Simulink | Git | Oscilloscope
TE0802 Zynq Ultrascale+ | Pynq Z1 | Pynq Z2 | Zedboard | ZCU102 | Zybo board
C | C++ | VHDL | Verilog | Embedded C | basics of Python and SystemVerilog
AXI | UART | I2C | SPI | Ethernet | CAN | LIN
RTL-Programming | Memory Optimisation | Custom IPs | Machine Learning | Hardware Acceleration | DO-254